Achieve the Perfect Retail Marketing Mix

Achieve the Perfect Retail Marketing Mix

In the bustling world of retail, where every shopper’s whim can sway the market, creating the perfect marketing mix is your secret sauce for success. Among the timeless and effective models, the 4Ps framework continues to take the spotlight, encompassing Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

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Enriched Staff = Enriched In-store Experience

Enriched Staff = Enriched In-store Experience

There’s no denying that the retail landscape is undergoing an intense transformation due to technological advancements, shifting customer behaviours, and a generally evolving market. Despite this temperamental retail environment, one thing remains the same: exceptional customer service is the foundation of success.

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Digital Shelf Strips: Impactful In-Store Advertising

Digital Shelf Strips: Impactful In-Store Advertising

In the fast-paced world of retail, capturing the attention of shoppers at the critical moment when they make purchasing decisions is a game-changer for FMCG brands. Smart Media, the forerunners in in-store retail media innovation, provide a...

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The impact of in-store advertising on impulse buying

The impact of in-store advertising on impulse buying

In-store advertising can have a significant impact on impulse buying, which refers to the sudden and unplanned purchase of a product. In fact, there are several studies that have found a positive correlation between in-store advertising and...

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How in-store advertising improves conversion rates

How in-store advertising improves conversion rates

In-store advertising has long been a staple of retail and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) marketing strategies. As online shopping continues to grow in popularity, in-store advertising remains an important and effective way for retailers and...

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